[Martin Luther King Day]
We are born with a passion that, when allowed to fuel our dreams, takes us out of the mundane, grants us exponential energy and creativity.
At the same time, there is the necessity of a paycheck. The complications of life. The unhealed trauma. The abusive relationships, be they close to home, in the workplace or engineered through society.
There are the blankets we wrap around ourselves to comfort ourselves with: binge-watching, self-medication and the comfort knowing that “everyone else is doing it, too”.
We try to engage in activities we know are ‘good for us’. We experience moments of clarity, small embodiments of perfect balance, of knowing the path we see before us, this plan we dreamed of cycles ago. Back then, it opened a deep hunger in our every pore. Where is the ecstasy now?
My friends. It has been so long since I’ve written, I thought I had nothing else to say. Now I realize I was drowning. Or was I was preparing?
My master plan never changed, but life causes me to forget it, even while I work in its service. Always, I have wanted to be a catalyst for others to come into their own fire, fire that will open them to their calling, to shine with their gifts.
For decades, I focused on this dream. I placed little value on my day job. And then, as it happens, I got older and began to panic. I can’t give so much of myself that I am risking homelessness when I am elderly! So I have been trying to catching up.
I still have a plan. I have never stopped working the plan. There are pieces that need to come into place.
I am asking you, if you have read this far, if you have seen the spark in me, if you have witnessed my passionate fire, to mirror it back to me. It will fill me and hold me accountable. Don’t let me slip under the heavy waters. I want to be here for you, or if not for you, for someone else. I want to hold the torch again, not because I think I can make global change but because I will never feel right in myself if I don’t. I am not myself if I am not in the revolutionary fire that was opened to me. I was not born to be a person that goes to work and comes home to the mundane every day. This can be pleasurable but for me, it is a denial of my purpose.
Remind me of my fire and I promise you, I will remind you of yours. There are forces greater than us that wish to keep us drowning. What is your master plan? Tell me your master plan.
Blessed Be.
[Thanks to the movie Rebel in the Rye to encourage me to write again
and Martin Luther King for the contagious fire in his speeches: https://www.democracynow.org/2022/1/17/mlk_day_special_2022 ]
My Magical fiend…
I have never NOT seen your spark and the passionate, beautiful, wild, authentic fire you carry.
From the very first moment we met, and thru all of these many years as our paths weave in and out with each other, I have yet to see even the slightest wane in the flicker of your internal flames that drives you, insires you, motivates you, challenges you, and soothe you.
Your Spirit, your wisdom, and your process insires me, and YOU amaze me.
With so much Love!
Cheri ✨💕
THANK YOU my friend, I really needed to hear that! Especially the magical fiend part, you magical fiend. 🙂 Yours is the perpetual wild child of magic in the field, the dew on the flowers, the giddy faeries and more.
This is a hard world, We who stay the course, even to just be ourselves, sober in the face of it all.. truly it must have its power. HELLO WORLD! YOU CAN’T HAVE MY HAPPINESS!
Blessed Be.