I wanted to repeat a shamanic journey I’d done before. I planned to ask the Spirits of Kindness to take me to the beautiful future I want to live in, so I could experience the world in this state and to draw the energy back here to manifest.
But my spirit friend brought me somewhere else. She said, “You are not alone,” and dropped me off at the Great Web of Light. The web of millions of people who hold together our collective healing vision of a future where we experience equality, peace, justice, honorable relationship with the land and all the beautiful things that many diverse people dream for.
She said, “Be a part of it.”
I plugged myself into the circuits and felt the white-blue light stream through my body. I was reminded that the Spirits of Kindness cannot do their work without us working as hollow bones and/or sacred witness. I was told to trust. No, not to trust, but to keep my awareness on this reality, the reality of all these people from all over the world, dreaming for a balanced, flourishing, loving world. It is important to focus on the collective dream.
This is what we must do. Hold the dream.
People are already getting their mail-in ballots around the country, so the time to do this work is now.

I was also reminded from an elder in the Wombs of Peace online ceremony today, that what we focus on is what is manifested. Another elder stated that we need not build peace. We can activate peace.
Beyond doing your own spiritual work, I urge you to take the time to listen to the Oct 13th 2024 Wombs of Peace ceremony on YouTube once it is uploaded. The theme was “How to find ground in the eye of a storm? – The holy-land and other whirlwinds”.
There is a beautiful meditation to embody stillness in the storm and then stories from women present about doing sacred work for peace while in the war zones. Painfully, one woman present was hearing bombs drop in the next neighborhood from her house.
W.O.P. ceremonies are very strong. There is a palpable, deep, grounding, loving energy that can be held together over Zoom, as we listen to indigenous wise women from all over the world.
I’ll see you in the web of light, the dream for a better future.
Blessed Be.