I Am Worthy: (recovery)

My cousin and I planned a New Year’s weekend visit long ago and now she is quietly cutting vegetables in my kitchen while I hang in here, waiting for the next time I can take a pain pill. The fire has been going for days. She gets the cozy nest by the hearth, and I get the electric blankets on the couch.

One friend sends a wonderful list of books and another sends a note all the way from Germany, asking how she can help. Now she is hunting down an audiobook for me. When I am alone, a neighbor comes in at 11am every morning to make sure I am still here. Others call throughout the day. I’ve had five different people get me to and from both hospital visits and a doctor’s appointment.

I’ve heard the words:

I am glad you are still here. (so many times)
Thank you for letting me help.
I am thinking of you.
I am giving you space to heal. (because screens literally hurt my head)
Sending love.

Checking in.

And many, many more sentiments. So many have offered interesting ideas in how to manage various difficulties. Each gift means so much to me. Through it all, I get to know you a little more. I get to share intimacy that may have not happened on its own. I get to hear about your lives. I get to learn about love from you.

I am receiving healing, both emotional and spiritual from you, while we wait for my brain to literally reclaim its space, for the arteries in my head to stabilize, for the pain to subside, for me to not need anti-seizure medication any longer.

I am lost in a fragile place. I am very aware that many, many people are living lives far more difficult than mine. I know how lucky I am, and yet I still face my own trials and fear.

My tears well in gratitude, for the drop-ins, the little treats, the prayers, the gentle ears, and for my family.

You hold me in your web of love. It makes me feel worthy.

4 thoughts on “I Am Worthy: (recovery)”

  1. What a beautiful post. Thank you Tasara, for this powerful reminder that love is where you find it, and all you have to do is open your eyes and heart to see that it is all around and within you. You WILL heal and emerge as the Phoenix.

  2. Tasara, I wish that your healing journey is like the growing daylight of this new year – steadily brightening, lighter and lighter, warmer and stronger each day.

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