It is Very Dark: Winter Solstice (back home)

Yup, that’s my big message, my meaning for Winter Solstice this year. It’s dark. That’s it.

Back when I worked with homeless women, there was this young, beautiful dyke with a mohawk who had chosen to be on the streets after witnessing her brother being killed by a strike of lightning. She was a talented painter and she taught me about backwards magic.

She said, Just put things on their head, exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. There’s a lot of wisdom in that – not to mention the fun.

Again, we make our own meaning. So if the traffic on I-5 slaps you to the retaining wall, you can make up anything you want to about it. If you try to watch a movie and then you are wiped out for the rest of the day you can just close your eyes and explore the darkness. Darkness is very spacious, and magic happens when we are sleeping. We think we control our world, but really, we don’t. When you wake up in the morning and your body feels a little bit of that sunshine, the beautiful feeling of sheets against your legs and back, those are indicators that some magic happened overnight. Things were mended or changed or rearranged or colored in…we don’t get to see the mechanisms of this magic. Conversations happened..I’ve been saying this all along. The reason things are called mysterious is because they are a mystery.

So we can just let go. Whatever comes. It doesn’t matter what we do or how we interpret it, because we are gonna be loved by the spirits anyways.

(Yes, I’ve been looking for an excuse to share this meme. I spent half a morning looking for it last week when I was in the hospital – I don’t know why.)

One thought on “It is Very Dark: Winter Solstice (back home)”

  1. I love this stress/anger/energy release, especially the “F# space egg” part! I also love how you are writing your way through this difficult chapter of your life, with humor and new perspective! Yay, Great Mystery!

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